About 15 yrs ago I meet a pretty remarkable gentleman named Richard Vickers. Dick is what every knew him as. Anyway he asked me if I would like to help him make some tine rakes. I had never heard of tine rakes before. But I took a chance and I went to the shop and I started to learn slowly at first but I called on and me and Dick worked very well together. He taught me everything I know about the rake business from top to bottom. He was one of The originators of Tine rakes. The Indiana department of highways had asked him to draw something up for them to reduce hydroplaning on the interstates and bridges and that's how we got Tine rakes. Unfortunately dick passed away a few years ago and I did what he wanted me to do which was keep his business going that's why I added the 36 to Flexiglide (36 was the year he was born).